Members' Section
ESAPA_2017_Conference_Registration_Form_2017-05-19.pdf We have the opportunity to shape the paralegal profession in New York State for generations to come. We invite you to a special meeting on Saturday, September 15, 2018, to be a part of the dialog on voluntary regulation in New York State. The member associations of ESAPA have arranged for experts in the field of certification and voluntary regulation of paralegals to attend this meeting and share their experiences in developing voluntary regulation programs for their own states. The time is now. The Paralegal profession has been growing/developing/ changing over the past 45 years. This meeting will provide a forum for discussion by paralegals from across the state. It will be an opportunity for you to provide your thoughts as to how ESAPA can work on your behalf in creating a successful program in New York State.
Please register online: Registration is required for this event by September 8, 2018. Buffet luncheon will be provided. Cost is $15.00 per person.
Limited rooms available at Hyatt Regency Rochester 125 East Main Street, Rochester, NY 14604 special group rate of $139 plus tax (use code ESAPA) available before August 23, 2018 Free parking at Clinton Square Garage.
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